Saturday, 10 March 2012

Blue the boondoggling word-grubber

I assure you the title was not a mere lapsus calami or morology. My developing hypobulia means I am questioning who I am? I am used to having my contributions precinded and many have argued that my work for various publications is altogether stramineous (I genuinely boondoggle for most of the day). I have yet to get beyond formalities and progress to hypocorism which may indicated acceptance in certain social circles.

So it is with some slight trepidation that I approach a week at a National Broadsheet. I am hoping that I will not suddenly be struck down with galeanthropy; in which case I would stay at home galericulate and spend time eliminating the increased vibrissae. And before you ask, I don't have pogonophobic tendencies despite being hairless myself! In any case, and if you aren't already aware, I am currently suffering with logorrhea. A terrible affliction. If you should wish to know more about this disease I suggest you refer to The Completely Superior Person's Book of Words by Peter Bowler which I have been perusing. If you hadn't already noticed!

For fun...(and if, like me, you have nothing better to do) try and incorporate one of the following into your every day speech. It's harder than you might first have thought:
galeanthropy - the delusion you have become a cat
galericulate - covered by a hat

pogonophobia - a morbid dread of beards
vibrissa - a hair in the nostril
varlet - a low, menial scoundrel

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